How this works?

Step 1
Enter URL or upload design

Step 2
Our bot will analyze your website or design

Step 3
You get quality tips to improve your conversions and UX/UI
See It In Action
See how easily you can fix your UI and increase conversions

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Trusted by 900+ people
"This was amazing! Helped us to notice many small details we missed"
"Trust the process... We increased our conversions by 31%!"
"So helpful!! Such a huge difference between what we had before and now."
Each time your enter a URL for our bot to analyze, it is considered 1 review. You can review each page of your website. You can also review the same page multiple times if you are experimenting or doing updates. Each analysis is considered as 1 review even when reviewing the same page.
Design review is when you upload an image of the design you want to review. This can be any interface design that you haven't built yet. This is useful to review design before building it, as well as to review mobile apps or any other software interface.
Each review you do is saved on our system. This means if you have reviewed and updated the same page multiple times, you can easily compare reviews from older and newer designs to see if you have improved your design.
You can review not only desktop but also mobile designs of your website.
You can upload a design of your mobile application for us to review it and give you useful tips on improving the design.
If you are working on desktop software or any other interface you can easily upload it to our platform as an image for review.
You get 3 free reviews when you sign up. Then you can buy review packages and price depends on the amount of reviews you want to purchase. Lowest tier starts from $29 for 100 reviews.
There is a 30 day money back guarantee after the software release. Once we release it and you are not satisfied you can ask for refund within 30 days.
Got questions? Email me at (preferred) or message on twitter/x

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Trusted by 900+ people
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30 day money back guarantee
"This was amazing! Helped us to notice many small details we missed"
"Trust the process... We increased our conversions by 31%!"
"So helpful!! Such a huge difference between what we had before and now."